You won't believe this is how bad traffic noise problem is

Works are under way for 17 roads.

According to a release, the Government will continue to prevent the traffic noise problem via a multi-pronged approach. This includes the requirement of the adoption of suitable noise mitigation measures for new development areas, large-scale development projects and new roads through planning and environmental impact assessment.

Secretary for the Environment Wong Kam-sing told legislators today the Government will also adopt the statutory vehicle noise standards and continue to keep in view the availability of new technology in the market as far as practicable to minimise the impact of traffic noise to the residents.

He said technical feasibility is a prerequisite for retrofitting existing road sections with noise barriers and enclosures. This included whether the noise barrier or enclosure will obstruct any emergency access, hinder fire fighting efforts or the flow of pedestrians and traffic, and whether there is adequate space and structural capability for supporting the noise barrier or enclosure.

The Government has carried out retrofitting works on noise barriers on 17 existing road sections in Hong Kong under the above policy since 2001. Retrofitting works on eight road sections have been completed, whereas the construction of noise barriers on the remaining nine sections is in progress.

“Owing to various objective constraints, retrofitting the majority of existing roads and flyovers with noise barriers or enclosures has great difficulties, with the lack of space and of structural capability being the most common reason.”

Another means to reduce noise is to resurface the road surface with low noise surfacing material.

“However, in using such material, we must consider the actual traffic condition of the road concerned and the types of vehicles travelling on it."

Mr Wong said the Government has further selected more than 90 local road sections for testing the noise reduction and engineering effectiveness of low noise surfacing material. So far the surfacing works for 59 local road sections have been completed. 

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