, Hong Kong

Safety standards for toys and children's products to be updated

The Government has proposed the adoption of the latest safety standards promulgated by the relevant standards institutions for toys and eight types of children's products designated under the Toys and Children's Products Safety Ordinance. Views from the trade and the public are being sought by the government.

The Toys and Children's Products Safety Ordinance stipulates that no person shall manufacture, import or supply any toy and designated children's product unless it complies in all respects with the safety standards listed in the Ordinance. The standards stipulated are mostly international standards or standards adopted in major economies. The Government keeps in view updates to the standards so as to apply the most up-to-date and operative versions to products supplied in Hong Kong.

Two sets of safety standards stipulated for toys and various standards stipulated for eight types of children's products, namely "baby walking frames", "bunk beds for domestic use", "child safety barriers for domestic use", "children's cots for domestic use", "children's high chairs and multi-purpose high chairs for domestic use", "children's paints", "playpens for domestic use" and "wheeled child conveyances", have been updated.

The Government proposes to adopt the latest versions of those safety standards and is consulting the trade.

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